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Family Dentistry
Family Dentistry
Our patients love the convenience of one provider
caring for all their needs.


Speaking, eating and drinking  are all parts of your daily routine. Healthy teeth and a nice smile are essential. Unfortunately, most people find a visit to a dentist intimidating, and postpone their treatments until they face a serious problem. These are those occasions you think with regret: 'If only I would have visited my dentist in time...'


Almost everyone faces a dental problem at some point in their lives, whether it's bad breath, tooth decay, gum (periodontal) disease or tooth sensitivity. At Artistic Dentistry, our doctors are trained to treat all of your needs.


From whitening your smile to root canals and oral surgery, our highly experienced dental team offers you an aesthetic, healthy, and safe alternative in modern dentistry, using the most advanced dental technology.


Oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) are available to help make you more comfortable during any dental treatment. Whether you prefer taking a carefully-prescribed sedative shortly before your appointment or the quick effects of laughing gas ,you will feel significantly more relaxed throughout treatment.  Neither treatment is intended to put you to sleep. You will be able to hear and respond to any requests or directions the staff may have.

Routine Dental Cleanings & Exams

When life gets busy or the budget gets tight, it can be tempting to put off dental visits until things lighten up. However, the truth is that every visit you skip is money out of your pocket! Regular dental checkups and cleanings are the best way to catch problems while they’re still small and prevent them from recurring.


Anxiety-Free Dental Visits

Oral conscious sedation involves taking a carefully-prescribed sedative shortly before your appointment. With just one pill, you’ll feel significantly relaxed throughout treatment. Although you might be a little drowsy, you’ll still be awake and able to communicate with our team. Your visit will be over before you know it!


Natural-Looking Restorations

When preventive care isn’t enough to keep your teeth and gums looking, feeling, and functioning well, restorative dentistry can give your smile a second chance. We provide a number of effective restorative treatments, including tooth-colored fillings, crowns, dental implants, and root canal therapy.


Emergency Treatment

We reserve openings in our daily schedule to accommodate dental emergencies, because we know that waiting just a day for an appointment can feel like an eternity when you’re in pain. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency like a chipped tooth or a broken filling, call our office right away so we can help.


Wisdom Teeth Removal

Some people are lucky enough to have their wisdom teeth come in straight and with plenty of room to fit, but most of us aren’t. Removing wisdom teeth before they become impacted or begin to shift other permanent teeth can also save you a lot of discomfort.


Nightguards for TMJ/Bruxism

Do you find yourself grinding your teeth when you’re stressed? What about when you’re asleep? Involuntary teeth grinding (bruxism) can do a number on your teeth and jaw, and many people don’t even realize they’re doing it. A custom-fitted nightguard is an easy way to give your jaw a rest and preserve your teeth.

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